Thursday, January 27, 2011

The shala where we practice doesn't allow pictures inside, but here are two pictures of the outside, one of me by the sign and the other of the steps where we all take our shoes off before entering. (those are Jen's feet walking into practice this morning).
Mondays - Thursdays we practice what's called "Mysore Style." This is where each person practices at his/her own pace. Fridays and Sundays we have a Led Class, where the teacher instructs the group as a whole. Saturdays are rest days.
This Sunday, however, the shala is closed so we wont be practicing on my birthday. Ive organized a birthday lunch for me and my friends at a great place nearby called the Green Hotel. Ill post pictures afterwards.
Everything feels very familiar. The food, the air, the smells and sounds. And Ive gotten a chance to catch up with the people I met when i was here three years ago. Im really happy and relaxed and feel great! Off to bed now since we have an early shala time tomorrow due to Friday Led class schedule. Namaste!

Monday, January 24, 2011

two 9hr flights + 4hour taxi = arrived

we arrived early saturday morning from our thursday evening departure. our taxi driver wasnt there to pick us up (due to a communication error on my part) but luckily a fellow passenger was also travelling to mysore so we jumped in her taxi. this is typical of my trips to india, obstacles arise and solutions follow just as swiftly. jen and i stayed in a hotel - where we slept all day and one night, the next day at breakfast we met a girl who was leaving and she helped us find an apartment. we are all settled in now, renting a room from a nice family that lives 2minutes walking distance from the shala.
on sunday evening we registered at the shala and Sharath, our teacher gave a lecture. this is an informal event where he answers questions from the group. it was so nice to have this as our first experience, we saw all the people practicing now in one room (about 200people) and i saw many familiar faces from my last trip.
monday morning was our first practice. i felt really excited to practice, the energy in the shala is always contagious, and i was moving with my breath so wonderfully for the first half hour. then my back pain returned. foolishly i thought it would not act up here in india. it was very difficult for me to handle being limited in my movements. especially since i was jet-lagged, tired and had such high expectations. i am taking care to rest now and working on switching gears to take one day at a time.
attached is a picture of jen and me enjoying a coconut - truly the most refreshing beverage i've found!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011

My first blog.
Plane ticket purchased.
Suitcase ready.
So far so good.

This is my second time visiting the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, India. In 2007 I travelled with 5 friends from Ashtanga Michigan, Matthew Darling's studio. I extended my 5week trip to a 4month stay because I really enjoyed my stay in India.
This time I'm travelling with my friend Jen who also practices at Ashtanga Michigan. We leave on Jan 20th. I will stay for 2 months. I return March 20th. Ill write my adventures in this blog for anyone who is interested.