Thursday, February 17, 2011

Have you ever seen a goat waiting for a bus?

There's many animals I see daily that I don't regularly see at home. I take the bus into town for my painting class and the other day there was a goat happily perched on the bench. We human passengers allowed him this spot, and his friend even come along with him to enjoy sitting in the shade.

Cows roam the streets freely and will even take a brake to park on the side.

In the residential area where homes have lots of greenery and flowers you'll find monkeys.

There's lots of dogs (who I do see and very much miss at home) but here there are many stray dogs and even puppies!


  1. Martina, I love your pictures and your blog. You seem so happy,relaxed,and always smiling. The pictures make me want a puppy.It looks like the animals are just chilling out.
